
A secure and serene environment is essential for cities to develop and thrive. With increasing urban densities, cities need more advanced technologies to safeguard people and property. In years past, urban management relied entirely on manpower to ensure safety – police and private security guards. With the emergence of video technologies, cities welcomed a much more efficient way for keeping a sharp eye on things. Now, a very basic surveillance system makes first response and crime investigation much easier and faster.
To be more efficient and intelligent urban management, Wintang Network offers a wide variety of products and solutions that can give you a new evolution of a safe city. More than just intelligent applications, eventually the insights gained from this process could generate surprising new applications, enabling any safe city to be perpetually improving.
To be more efficient and intelligent urban management, Wintang Network offers a wide variety of products and solutions that can give you a new evolution of a safe city. More than just intelligent applications, eventually the insights gained from this process could generate surprising new applications, enabling any safe city to be perpetually improving.

Video Structuring System

Human Body Structuring

The system describes and differentiates a human body of a person with his/her attributes such as Gender, Age Range, Upper Body Color, Lower Body Color, Head Attributes, Upper Body Cloths, Lower Body Cloths, Bag Attributes and Other Attributes like Riding a Bike etc.

Vehicle Structuring System

Similarly, the system describes and differentiates a vehicle with its attributes such as Brand, Plate Number, Plate Color, Type, Color and Other Attributes like Driving using Cell Phone, Seatbelt, Sun Cover, etc.

Target of Solutions comprises of the following main factors